Assorted SVG Animations



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Sometimes an animation is all you need to draw attention to some features of a virtual tour. All the animations of this gadget are animated SVGs, so you can use them as they are, or using a simple text editor, you can change some characteristics of the animation (i.e. : colour). You do not need to change the size. They scale wonderfully in your skins at embed time. If you have more knowledge you can even take these animations as templates/examples and create your own customized ones.

The skin contains 55 SMIL animated SVG files. All are ready to be embedded in your skins. You may want to change our corporate green colour by either white or any color you need. Just open the SVG files with a simple text editor, locate the colour (in hexadecimal format, our green is "#99cc00" or "#9c0") and change it for the colour of your choice (white is "#ffffff").

Please note that the only documentation provided are the animated SVGs, so, in order to modify the files you may need to learn basic and/or advanced SVG.

We design our skins and gadgets with the new technologies and devices in mind and also trying to enhance its usability, specially with fingers in touch screen devices. This gadget works well in most device screen sizes. Provides great compatibility among personal computers, smartphones and tablets. Was developed to be used mainly in HTML5 capable browsers.

SVG have different levels of support in the different browsers/plattforms. SVG animations (and many other SVG features) are not supported in Internet Explorer 11 and Opera Mini 8 or previous versions. ( see here or here for current info)


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